The Art Of Content Writing

Becoming a successful content writer begins with understanding your flair for writing, and molding it accordingly through effective training. At MeeraBhadran, we provide you with the training, and regular exercises that help you identify your bright, and dull areas, and ultimately become a professional content writer. Furthermore, we teach you the ways to do effective research and publish an article with zero errors. At the end of this course, we help you find and choose your niche, and teach you to be a Pro at it.

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As you step into the new career of content writing, you’ll have to build a strong base of knowledge, and writing skills to start with. Similarly, you must also be able to identify which type of writing suits for which niche to build your content accordingly. Therefore, if you are an aspiring content writer, we introduce you to the Basic/Level 1 of the Art of Content Writing right away.

DURATION :5 hours     FEES INR 2000

  • Get an outline of how the content writing career works,
  • Apply for beginner jobs where content writers are in demand with a certificate of completion.
  • Upgrade your flair for writing through the use of effective techniques.
  • Know and grab trending opportunities in content writing with the required skills in hand.
  • Have a platform to write and publish your samples.

As you step into the 2nd level of content writing, we teach you more about the best ways to enhance your writing skills by introducing you to more niches of content writing. Each niche or field of occupation is distinguished from the other by the terminologies they use or the level of simplicity of language. Therefore, as you upgrade with us to the next level, we help you improve your writing skills with tips and techniques, that help you research and write your content better.

DURATION :10 hours     FEES INR 4000

  • Improve your language.
  • Understand the right ways to research and follow a proper methodology.
  • Know and understand the jargon and apply them the right way.
  • Give attention to detail and enhance your pre-written content.
  • Learn to create well-written content.

As a pro writer, what could be possibly holding you back from writing confidently could be the lack of guidance. Secondly, an expert writer should be able to effectively write on any niche under the sky without rethinking or hesitation. If you’re looking for a hand to pull you up to the expert level, then we can help you regain your confidence too.

DURATION :20 hours     FEES INR 6000

  • Brush up your language and writing styles.
  • Ability to identify the right sources of research.
  • Write with zero errors and 100% resourcefulness.
  • Gain expertise in multiple niches..
  • Modulate your language according to any niche
Effective Content Editing

Being a good content writer doesn’t just mean knowing how to write good content, but also editing those of your own. For this, you must know how to trim your write-up to give it a good shape and to make it meaningful as well. However, this isn’t a jiffy task. But we’re here to help you out. MeeraBhadran introduces our effective content editing course to you where we teach you where to edit, what to edit, and how to edit, without making it feel like a Herculean task.

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The basic course of Effective Content Editing walks you through the process of content editing, and the need for content editing, and shows you the differences between edited and unedited content, helping you make your masterstroke in editing perfect.

DURATION :5 hours     FEES INR 2500

  • Understand the need for content editing.
  • Grab the skills needed for content editing.
  • Ability to identify the pitfalls in content.
  • Look at the possibilities to improve content.
  • Attain the ability to improve an article.

If you’re someone with minimum experience in editing and have lost touch, then we’ve got something more for you to improve your editing skills. As you know, technology is pacing up at lightning speed, and we’re living in a fast-moving world. This also calls for people who’d like to make minute changes quicker and give content a better look. Thus, if you’re someone with quick learning skills and minimum experience, this course is for you!

DURATION :10 hours     FEES INR 5000

  • Tips and tricks to edit content quickly.
  • Etiquettes to follow while editing content.
  • Pre-requisites to edit content.
  • Things to remember before editing content.
  • Ways to re-edit a pre-edited content.

As a pro writer, what could be possibly holding you back from writing confidently could be the lack of guidance. Secondly, an expert writer should be able to effectively write on any niche under the sky without rethinking or hesitation. If you’re looking for a hand to pull you up to the expert level, then we can help you regain your confidence too.

DURATION :20 hours     FEES INR 7000

  • Introduction to tools and platforms for content editing
  • Hands-on practice in content editing
  • Create a portfolio of your edited works.
  • Fine-tuning of your language
  • Improve niche knowledge.
Social Media Content Writing

The world runs on the wheels of social media as we all know. From morning to night, the clicks, likes, shares, and taglines are all what we see and hear. But do you know that there is a huge effort in making the taglines, descriptions, and stories that act as a backdrop for your uploads? Moreover, knowing social media content writing is also a way to have a patent for your content. A description, a tagline, or even a couple of hashtags provided by you will permanently be recognized in your name. Sounds interesting right? Join us to make this come true!

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Taking baby steps in social media content writing would need you to have an eye for creativity, and time to delve into deep thoughts. We walk you through the basics of social media content writing, making your thoughts and words equally flexible.

DURATION :5 hours     FEES INR 1000

  • Understand how social media content writing works.
  • Walk through the different types of social media writing styles.
  • Critical analysis of how to create a social media content/ caption.
  • Identification of quick captions for images
  • Analysis of language for social media writing.

If you have all the ideas and thoughts to write good social media content, but the language holds you back, then check out the Social Media Writing Course with us right away. In this course, we teach you how to blend and brighten your thoughts innovatively with specific themes, and the different types of social media writing. Furthermore, we make this course a bit more interactive with live examples of how social media content matches a context.

DURATION :10 hours     FEES INR 3000

  • Improve your creative language for social media.
  • Bring a creative correlation between an image and a context.
  • Learn to write theme-based content.
  • Introduction to brand writing.
  • Practice and create your sample content.

Are you someone who can write flawless English but cannot turn it into short orattractive content, then quickly join the Expert Social Media Writing Course. We understand that all you need is a hand in creative thoughts and MeeraBhadran gives you the best in this regard. Unlock the expert level to master the art of creative thinking, and learn to write around any creative theme given to you under the sky!

DURATION :20 hours     FEES INR 5000

  • Write different forms of social media content
  • Understand different types of social media content.
  • Embrace creative thoughts in any context.
  • Learn both short and long-form writing
  • Master creativity through practice.
Being a successful Blogger

Blogs are informative write-ups that focus on a particular niche and give the most important updates, changes, or innovations about it. Blogs are one of the most essential write-ups that a customer would demand to increase their sales or reach their clientele. However, blogging is not just the process of converting information from a simple to sophisticated language but conveying complex ideas most simply without creating confusion. Again, using technical words or phrases in your blog may make it look standardized but never simple.

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We at MeeraBhadran would rather call the Basic course of being a successful blogger a self-analysis course. Here, we begin the course by giving you a free hand to your creativity. We also help you with the topics you’d like to write up on and teach you to gather the best resources in less time. Secondly, we make you understand the importance of interactive writing and the easiest ways to communicate informationmost simply to a target audience.

DURATION :5 hours     FEES INR 2000

  • Understand what is blogging and its importance
  • Analyse what are your favourite niches of writing
  • Know the best resources to gather data
  • Help you improve your language and use terminologies
  • Learn how to write interactively

Knowing what to writebut how to write might be one of the pain points you could be facing as a blogger. This would need an eye for reading and in-depth research. But on the other hand, not every article online seems insightful. So, the second step to becoming an ardent blogger is to find facts and put it the way it looks informative. We at MeeraBhadran have got you covered on this.

DURATION :10 hours     FEES INR 3000

  • Understand and evaluate resources of reference.
  • Finetune your blogs based on the technology updates.
  • Know the difference between updated and outdated resources.
  • Gain niche knowledge
  • Get experience in different niches of blogging.

As an expert blogger, we don’t tell you what to write or how to write. But, if you feel you need to upskill yourself to the best ways or quick methods of research and writing, then we bring to you, the expert course of Being a successful blogger. The course defines and consists of all that you need and are looking for.

DURATION :20 hours     FEES INR 6000

  • Ability to evaluate a pre-written blog and analyze it
  • Knowing the importance of subsections of a blog
  • Evaluating the mistakes in a blog
  • Improvizing or editing a blog effectively
  • Learn to write critically on blog topics
Exploring Freelance Writing

Freelancers are the most demanded category of content writers for their experience and expertise. It is also one of the most competing and demanding professions which not only boosts your income but also your domain knowledge. Also, as you grow as a content writer, you get to understand how the exponential growth in your clientele adds to your profile as a writer. If you’re ready to become the next best freelancer in India, then startexploring freelance writingwith us here!

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As a fresher freelance writer, we take you through the different types of content writing and introduce you to each of them. This way, you get to understand how content writing works in each field. Similarly, we also show you the flow of how freelance content writing happens and what are the major prerequisites you must know as you become a freelance writer.

DURATION :5 hours     FEES INR 2000

  • Understand how the freelance content writing industry works.
  • Gain knowledge about the different types of content writing and distinguish between them
  • Gather knowledge on the prerequisites of content writing
  • Understand the etiquette of freelancing.
  • Become aware of the possibilities of content writing.

If you possess the basic knowledge of content writing but are looking forward to improving your writing skills, then MeeraBhadran introduces you to level 2 of Exploring Freelance Writing. In this course, we help you identify your grey areas in writing and improve them with continuous and creative training. Moreover, we help you take your initial steps as a freelancer and guide you through the numerous opportunities and possibilities in the field.

DURATION :10 hours     FEES INR 4000

  • Know more about the writing styles in different niches
  • Identify your strong and weak areas in content writing.
  • Immediate and in-depth error check and rectification.
  • Daily assignments and weekly assessments for self-analysis
  • Choose your niches

Becoming a freelancer and growing consistently as a content writer requires a great amount of exposure. This is where we take you to the final level where you identify yourselves as a full-fledged freelancer. Choosing Level 3 of Exploring Content Writing would mean that you might be facing a few roadblocks while freelancing such as gaining the right inputs or precisely understanding the research methodology and requirements of the client. If you’ve been thinking the same, unlock Level 3 of Exploring Freelance Writing here.

DURATION :20 hours     FEES INR 8000

  • Choose your niche for freelance content writing.
  • Understand ways of input collection from clients.
  • Introduction to tools of error check.
  • Know the right sources to pick and choose for content.
  • Creation of portfolio for your future requirements.

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